Fatty acid methyl ester ethoxylate
Fatty acid methyl ester ethoxylate
Fatty acid methyl ester ethoxylate
Fatty acid methyl ester ethoxylate
  • Name:Fatty acid methyl ester ethoxylate
  • Alias:FMEE
  • Brand:
  • Substance:70%
  • Appearance:Liquid
  • Packaging:125kg/Drum
Product introduction

Fatty acid methyl ester ethoxylate (FMEE)

Chemical composition: Fatty acid methyl ester and ethylene oxide adduct

CAS No:65218-33-7  

Content and appearance: 70% liquid

    FMEE is a new type of ether-ester type nonionic surfactant, which is a colorless, clear and transparent liquid, which becomes viscous or even solidifies when the temperature is low. The product is synthesized by ethoxylation of fatty acid methyl ester directly with ethylene oxide (EO) under the action of special catalyst MCT-09. Make full use of renewable animal and vegetable oil resources, shorten the preparation process of traditional nonionic surfactants, avoid the discharge of fatty acid methyl ester hydrogenation in the process of preparing fatty alcohols, save energy, and realize nonionic surfactants. Cleaner production of surfactants.

Technical Index:


yellow transparent liquid



Cloud point


HLB value


pH value



(5g/L solution)

Standard canvas sheet 

12s settlement

Freezing point



low foam

Product use

      Compared with alcohol ethers, its performance is better, such as very fast water solubility, easy to make liquid products; it is a low foam product, fast defoaming speed, easy to rinse, especially suitable for industrial cleaning; strong oil solubilizing ability, especially suitable for Cleaning on hard surfaces; excellent decontamination ability for cosmetic dirt, can be used in the compounding of personal washing products; less irritating to the skin, low toxicity, and its irritation is equivalent to APG or amino acid surfactants; good biodegradability , no pollution to the environment, etc.

       Compared with fatty alcohol ethoxylates (AE), it has the characteristics of low foam, low cost, fast water solubility, strong oil solubilization ability, small skin irritation, and good biodegradability; it can be added to different alkyl chains and different EO The physical and chemical properties of several fatty acid methyl ester ethoxylates were tested, and a preliminary study was carried out on the replacement of AEO9 by FMEE in washing powder. The results show that compared with fatty alcohol ethoxylate AE, FMEE has low foam, fast water solubility and strong oil solubilizing ability, and the use of palm oil methyl ester ethoxylate instead of AEO9 in laundry detergent can improve the decontamination performance and reduce costs.

       FMEE has low cost and mild odor, and can replace alcohol ethers, so it has a good application prospect. FMEE can be used in liquid detergents, hard surface cleaners, pesticide emulsifiers, oil phase modifiers, foams for personal washing products, alkali resistance, good emulsification and dispersibility, and is suitable for removing heavy dirt such as grease and wax.

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